It's Show and Tell day :)

Burp cloth sets. These have a loop of ribbon to hook linky toys on them.

The cutest little boy underwear, EVER! I know we're not potty learning yet, but I couldn't resist this pattern when I saw it. There is a soaker that snaps into these, so if they do wet in them, it's no big deal. It's kind of like a washable pull-up.

This is a set I made for someone I know...I'm not telling who:) It's a matching t-shirt and fleece pants set with an obv/hemp fleece fitted diaper.

This is something new I'm working on. It's a wet bag. Basically, it's a bag you keep in the diaper bag that is waterproof for dirty diapers. There is a swatch on the inside for essential oils, so it doesn't smell in there. The ones I sell will also have a loop with a snap or elastic on it to hook it to the diaper bag or on a door handle for the bigger ones.

A custom I made for a really nice mama.

My new woven labels with my business name on them. They turned out really nice.Kade in his rock obv and hemp fleece fitted diaper. I made him a set with a t-shirt and fleece pants that have a guitar made of this print applique'd on them.
Until next time...

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1 Response to "It's Show and Tell day :)"

  1. Ker says:
    September 22, 2008 at 2:56 PM

    Just one thing to say....You are AMAZING! Great job, they are so cute. Almost makes me want to use cloth diapers if I ever get the chance again!! hehe

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