Sleepy kids

Kade has had a high fever for over 3 days now. The Dr couldn't find anything physically wrong with him. It finally broke this morning and he is acting better. I was getting really tired of the clingy, crying kid I had. I couldn't get him to eat anything but strawberries. Anyway, to help with the fever, I had him sleeping on the main level with the ceiling fan going. Yesterday, I was tired of holding him, so I had him lay on the couch with Saige. They ended up falling asleep together :)
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2 Response to "Sleepy kids"

  1. Shlee says:
    August 5, 2008 at 4:06 PM

    Poor sick babies.
    That is a cute picture though..

  2. Ker says:
    August 6, 2008 at 9:27 AM

    poor kid. Im glad he's feeling better. Cute pic of the kids

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