LIfe Update

I took K in for his well check today and thought I'd write an update. The dr says he's doing great. I always get anxious when I make these appointments. I even started having NICU flashbacks that brought me to tears. I don't know why I do this, there is no reason for it. He is totally healthy and growing great. He is going through a do it myself phase and has started hitting a little bit and throwing things. I give him appropriate things to throw, have him give sister hugs multiple times a day because he hurt her. He tried to lift her up a few days ago and then was pushing her around while she was sitting on one of his toys. We have really been working with him because we don't want him to become a bully. He really is a sweet boy, it's not like he is just running around making everyone cry, he is just testing us I guess.
S is learning a ton. She knows how to write her name, mom, dad and kade and a few other small words. She can sound out pretty much anything and I can just tell her a letter now and she will write it. She loves school but complains that her friends don't listen. My kids love books and love to read which I think is awesome. Chris is a much better teacher than I am. He has taught her so much including all the planets. Right now they are reading about how mountains are made.
I am doing much better this week. I came down with a really bad case of strep last week. It was horrible. Luckily I got on meds quick and was able to host Thanksgiving dinner at our house. The business is going really well. My "black friday" sale went really well. I wish I had more time to stock my store. Most things I do are customs. I have made pretty much all our Christmas. I still have a few things to do and some things I would like to do if I have time. I have been trading with other really talented moms a lot. I have been able to get a lot of really cool things. I need to post some pics. They deserve some free advertising :) I have done quite a bit of Christmas shopping that way.
Chris has started vjing, which basically is where he takes clips of video, cuts parts out and layers them together. It's hard for me to explain, but it's really cool. He needs to make a video so I can post it. He had a gig last week at the dance club at the Gateway the night I was really sick. He said it went great. I wish I could have gone. Thank goodness for my mom. She took the kids to dinner so I could sleep. That's what we have been up to lately.
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