Adventures in Tie Dye and Diaper Cakes

I finished this set, so I thought I'd post another pic.
This is for someone else I know :) You'll probably see this, but act surprised when I give it to you, ok? It was actually really easy and only took me and Saige about 30 minutes. And yes, the diapers are usable.
Socks and undies for the kids

My mom asked me if I would tie dye some sheets so she could make some curtains for her toy room. Since I don't need any excuse to tie dye, of course I said yes and searched the house looking for anything white I thought needed some color.
I used a swirl dye technique on these diapers. I really love the orange ones!! I think this is my new favorite way to dye.

This was my attempt at a peace sign, but I think it looks more like skeleton jack...
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2 Response to "Adventures in Tie Dye and Diaper Cakes"

  1. Jared and Jen says:
    October 9, 2008 at 4:40 PM

    I like all of the work you have done!

  2. Alicen says:
    October 13, 2008 at 5:18 PM

    You make the cutest stuff Melissa! It's fun to see all you've been working on!

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